Tui Na Medical Massage in Exeter, Devon


What is Tui Na?

6Z2T7575Tui Na is deep, rhythmic body massage carried out through clothes. The original deep tissue massage, Tui Na (pronounced twee nah) is both deeply relaxing and invigorating, and  may be seen as the Chinese equivalent to physiotherapy.

This massage feels unlike most western style massages as the techniques and movements have been evolved to send energy moving through your body, freeing up deep and long-held tension in the muscles and joints,  relieving pain and enhancing your mood.

Tui Na massage has evolved over 5000 years, and is used in China alongside acupuncture and herbal medicine. The massage may be carried out over the whole body for general health and well being, or the6Z2T7590 focus may be on a particular area of the body. Massage and light manipulation of joints are combined with work on the meridians and acupressure points. The combination of massage techniques and energy work make it a very effective treatment for back, neck and shoulder problems and also for enhancing mood and relieving depression.  Tui Na is called medical massage because it is usually used to treat a particular condition.

What happens in a session?

At the beginning of your first session, the practitioner will take a full medical history and chat with you6Z2T7656 about your reasons for seeking treatment. The session will depend on the particular issue being treated, and your general wishes and needs. Tui Na can be carried out with you sitting on an ordinary chair, for work on the head, neck, shoulders, arms, wrists and hands, or with you lying on a couch for work including your back and legs. Some sessions may be carried out with you sitting all the way through, others with you lying all the way through, or you may be asked to move from one position to the other during the session. Deep, relaxing massage is used to warm, soften and loosen the muscles and connective tissues of the body, combined with massage on acupressure points. Once the area being worked on is loose and relaxed, light manipulations may be used, such as rotation of the shoulder joint, wrist, hip or fingers.6Z2T7898

What happens next?

After a session you are usually advised to avoid strenuous exercise or activities for about 24 hours while your body adjusts. Feelings following a treatment may include increased energy levels, deeper sleep, relief from pain, feeling very tired, or feeling lighter. Sometimes clients feel stiff and achey the next day, as Tui Na is a deep treatment, and the effects may be similar to the feeling after particularly strenuous exercise. This effect is a normal reaction to deep body work, and it generally wears off within about 24 hours, after which it is replaced by the healing effects of the treatment.

How many treatments will I need?

Tui Na treatments for specific conditions are normally carried out at least once a week for the first 3 – 5 sessions, and then at less frequent intervals until the problem is alleviated. The number and frequency of the sessions will depend on your condition and wishes, and can be discussed at the first session. The practitioner will review your progress with you at each session, where you are encouraged to be fully involved in your treatment plan. To book a session, call or text 07763 656138.


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