After a session you are usually advised to avoid strenuous exercise or activities for about 24 hours while your body adjusts. Feelings following a treatment may include increased energy levels, deeper sleep, relief from pain, feeling very tired, or feeling lighter. Sometimes clients feel stiff and achey the next day, as Tui Na is a deep treatment, and the effects may be similar to the feeling after particularly strenuous exercise. This effect is a normal reaction to deep body work, and it generally wears off within about 24 hours, after which it is replaced by the healing effects of the treatment.
How many treatments will I need?
Tui Na treatments for specific conditions are normally carried out at least once a week for the first 3 – 5 sessions, and then at less frequent intervals until the problem is alleviated. The number and frequency of the sessions will depend on your condition and wishes, and can be discussed at the first session. The practitioner will review your progress with you at each session, where you are encouraged to be fully involved in your treatment plan. To book a session, call or text 07763 656138.
Tui Na massage for lower back pain
Tui na for stiff shoulders and upper back
Tui Na
Tui na massage for carpal tunnel and Hand Reflexology
Tui Na massage for neck problems
Tui Na for frozen shoulder
Tui na head and face massage
Tui Na sciatia treatment
Tui na for foot and leg pain and Reflexology
Tui na treatment for lower back andhip problems
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Client Comments
"I’m an absolute convert to your work, thank you so much. I cannot tell you the huge impact your therapy has had on me."
"Before Bi-aura (Bio-Energy Healing) I was suffering from a vague, lingering depression, which has evaporated, and I'm feeling happier. Plus, I'm not drinking as much as usual."
"It's been an absolute joy to find that Tui Na "reaches the parts that other therapies can't reach".
"I have loads of energy and my whole body feels freer".
"Thank you for sorting my neck and shoulder out so effectively! I've had weeks and weeks with no pain. Tui Na rocks!"
"My head feels clearer, and I have stopped crying all the time."
"I feel lighter, as though I want to spring out of bed."
"My body says 'Thank you', my heart says 'Thank you'."
"You seem to be able to reach the parts that other Body Workers don't reach."
"This work has changed my life"
"It feels as though you're doing surgery in the air."