Special Offers

Special offers are updated periodically. Please join my mailing list to hear about new offers as they arise.

If you are struggling financially, please enquire about reduced rates. Call or text 07763 656138 or email info@rachelcarey.co.uk.

Until July 31st 2022:

Reflexology – very relaxing and comforting foot massage with acupressure for the relief of stress, anxiety and depression, recovery from long covid and fatigue, and for restoring emotional and hormonal imbalance. £20 (reduced from £55) for 60 minutes.

Bio-Energy Healing – healing with little or no physical contact. The healer moves around your body, sweeping through the energy field, to clear old energy patterns. Soothing, relaxing and transformative for the relief of mood issues, anxiety, depression and other life issues. £20 (reduced from £55) for 60 minutes.

Sessions are held in Mincinglake, Exeter.

To book the above sessions, call and leave a message, or text 07763 656138 or email info@rachelcarey.co.uk with your preferred times.